
Join CrossFit843

Where Athletes Train.

6.9.22 Workout of the Day

6.9.22 Workout of the Day

🇺🇸 Beth 🇺🇸

July 4th 5k Sponsorship Information
Any members or businesses that have an interest to sponsor our Annual July 4th 5k & Kid’s Run, please see Martin or Amber by week’s end. All sponsors get free entries to our race & logo on all t-shirts. Thank you for your support.

Kid’s Camp
June Kid’s Camp is underway. Ages 5-10 M-W-F. 9:30-10:30 AM. Please see Amber for details.

Thursday Box Brief
In preparation for our Annual July 4th 5k & Kid’s Run, the next 4 Thursdays we will program a 5k run for class. The goal is to increase your distance, pace & overall time each week. The class structure will be the warmup, run, midline & cooldown. Athletes may also use this day as Open Gym to work on their weaknesses on the entire Interval side of the gym. Be prepared by bringing your running sneakers, music etc. Let’s have some fun & all get faster!

Barbell & Interval
For Time

6.10.22 Workout of the Day

6.10.22 Workout of the Day

6.8.22 Workout of the Day

6.8.22 Workout of the Day