
Join CrossFit843

Where Athletes Train.

6.10.22 Workout of the Day

6.10.22 Workout of the Day

Red Friday’s
Wear your RED & Remember Everyone Deployed.

July 4th 5k Sponsorship Information
Any members or businesses that have an interest to sponsor our Annual July 4th 5K & Kid’s Run, please see Martin or Amber. All sponsors get free entries to our race & logo on all t-shirts. Thank you for your support.

Kid’s Camp
June Kid’s Camp is underway. Ages 5-10 M-W-F. 9:30-10:30 AM. Please see Amber for details.

Push Press: 5x5

“The Great Outdoors”
10 Push Press (95/65) RX+(115/85)
10 Front Squat
200 m run
9 Push Press
9 Front Squat
200 m run

[Push press & Squats decrease by 1 rep each round]

Team of 2 30 minute leapfrog AMRAP
4 Single DB Devils Press (50/35)
100 m sprint
12 KBS (53/35) or 12 abmat situps

6.11.22 Workout of the Day

6.11.22 Workout of the Day

6.9.22 Workout of the Day

6.9.22 Workout of the Day