
Join CrossFit843

Where Athletes Train.

6.3.22 Workout of the Day

6.3.22 Workout of the Day

Red Friday’s
Wear your RED & Remember Everyone Deployed.

Kid’s Camp
June Kid’s Camp is underway. Ages 5-10 M-W-F. 9:30-10:30 AM. Please see Amber for details.

Box Brief
Those members that are not currently on our private FB Page, please see Amber or Martin. Please use this platform to connect with others and build community.

Bench Press 5x5

“Cement Shoes”
On the every 3:00 x 7
400 m run
1 set of Unbroken T2B
Score= Total T2B reps

Team of 2 30 minute leapfrog AMRAP
8 Single DB Renegade Row with pull through (50/35)
100 m sprint
12 Single DB Front Rack Lunge (50/35)

800 recovery jog
Accumulate 4 minutes of plank of choice

6.4.22 Workout of the Day

6.4.22 Workout of the Day

6.2.22 Workout of the Day

6.2.22 Workout of the Day