
Join CrossFit843

Where Athletes Train.

5.20.21 Workout of the Day

5.20.21 Workout of the Day

Kim, 830 AM

May Challenge #MileADayMay
Every day in May, run a least a mile. Before or after class, get with a fellow member & get in some miles. Machines subs: 2K row or 3 mile bike.

Sign ins
Please all continue to sign in for classes. We will accommodate all athletes.

Barbell & Interval
Memorial Day Murph Prep

On the every 5 minutes x 6 sets
400 m run
30 airquats
20 push-ups
10 pull-ups

The goal today is complete each round in 4:00 minutes. Please modify reps for this desired stimulus.

Machine subs : 25/18 bike or ski or 500/400 m row

5.21.21 Workout of the Day

5.21.21 Workout of the Day

5.19.21 Workout of the Day

5.19.21 Workout of the Day