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5.4.20 Workout of the Day

5.4.20 Workout of the Day

Box Brief

-8 AM Facebook LIVE stream workout on Members-Only Page.


Monday Challenge
8 minutes max KBS or DB Alternating Hang Snatches (depending on which piece of equipment you have) ,

rest 3-5 minutes, then

With Equipment 3 Rounds:
10 Strict Pull-ups
20 Push-ups
30 Sit-ups
40 Jumping Lunges
30 Sit-ups
20 Push-ups
10 Strict Pull-ups

Rest 2 Minutes Between Rounds

Without Equipment 3 Rounds:
20 Odd Object Rows 
20 Push-ups
30 Sit-ups
40 Jumping Lunges
30 Sit-ups
20 Push-ups
20 Odd Object Rows

Rest 2 Minutes Between

Cardio 3 Rounds:
200 m run
20 Push-ups
300 m run
30 jumping lunges
400 m run
40 sit-ups

Rest 2 Minutes Between

5.5.20 Workout of the Day

5.5.20 Workout of the Day

5.2.20 Workout of the Day

5.2.20 Workout of the Day