
Join CrossFit843

Where Athletes Train.

5.5.22 Workout of the Day

5.5.22 Workout of the Day

Happy Cinco De Mayo from your 530 AM familia.

Happy Birthday Hannah & Caroline.

Barbell & Interval

Active Recovery Day
5 Rounds for quality
40/30 calorie row
30 alternating v-ups/ ab movement of choice
20 KBS (53/35)
100-ft KB walking lunge

-Run/Ski/Bike subs will be listed on whiteboard.
RX lunges: front rack single DB @ 50/35

The purpose of today is quality movement. Focus on your nasal breathing & proper mechanics in effort to keep your heart rate at a moderate level throughout the 5 rounds.

5.6.22 Workout of the Day

5.6.22 Workout of the Day

5.4.22 Workout of the Day

5.4.22 Workout of the Day