
Join CrossFit843

Where Athletes Train.

5.25.22 Workout of the Day

5.25.22 Workout of the Day

Happy Birthday Maddy, front & center, Beach Bum Triathlon.

Box Brief
Memorial Days T-shirts have arrived and are displayed in the lobby for purchase.

CrossFit Kids Camp
Session 1 starts June 1, ages 5-10. Please contact Amber to reserve your spot.

Strict Press 5x5

“Less Is More”
10 Rounds For Time
200 m Run
30-Ft Double DB Lunge (50/35)
10-1 DB Shoulder to Overhead
[20 minute cap]

For Time
Cash In: 150 DUBS
Directly into
Calorie Row
Single DB front rack lunges (53/35)
Bumper Ground to overhead (45/25)
Alternating v-ups
Directly into
Cash out: 150 DUBS

5.26.22 Workout of the Day

5.26.22 Workout of the Day

5.24.22 Workout of the Day

5.24.22 Workout of the Day