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Where Athletes Train.

8.31.22 Workout of the Day

8.31.22 Workout of the Day

Happy Birthday Orla & Edward Taylor.

Happy Belated Birthday Jen Riley & Roberto.

Fall League
Draft is Thursday 6:30 PM immediately following our 515 class. Your presence is appreciated but not mandatory. Adult beverages will be provided.

“Bike to Work”[45 min cap]
50 T2B
3 Mile Bike
50 C2B
3 Mile Bike

Run & all machine subs will be listed on the whiteboard.

0:00-2:00 (2 minutes)
400 m run
Max Jumps (24”/20”)
Rest 1 minute
3:00-6:00 (3 minutes)
600 m run
Max Jumps (24”/20”)
Rest 2 minutes
8:00-12:00 (4 minutes)
800 m run
Max Jumps (24”/20”)
Rest 3 minutes
15:00-20:00 (5 minutes)
1200 m run
Max Jumps (24”/20”)

Aeccessory Pump Finisher
5 Sets for Quality
12 DB curls (lf+rt=1 rep)
10 Dips to box
8 Incline push-up to box
60 second alternating to touches after each round

9.1.22 Workout of the Day

9.1.22 Workout of the Day

8.30.22 Workout of the Day

8.30.22 Workout of the Day