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8.30.22 Workout of the Day

8.30.22 Workout of the Day

Young Life Annual Golf Classic with the boss in black Leigh Whitaker & our CrossFit 843 fellas.

High Hang Snatch

“Shuttle to Overhead”
0:00-2:00 (2 minutes)
400 m run
Max Shoulder To Overhead
Rest 1 minute
3:00-6:00 (3 minutes)
600 m run
Max Shoulder To Overhead
Rest 2 minutes
8:00-12:00 (4 minutes)
800 m run
Max Shoulder To Overhead

RX weight: 185/125

Team of 2, 6 RFT
35/28 Calorie Ski or Bike
20 Devil’s Press (50/35’s)

One works, run rests, partition how feel fit.

8.31.22 Workout of the Day

8.31.22 Workout of the Day

8.29.22 Workout of the Day

8.29.22 Workout of the Day