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5.4.22 Workout of the Day

5.4.22 Workout of the Day

830 AM


Happy Birthday Daniel

Strength: Overhead Squat [12 minute window]
A) Build to a heavy single
B) 1 set max reps @ 80% of heavy

“Sunny & 75”
75 Overhead Squats (95/65)
[Every 3:00 minutes, starting at the 0:00, complete 400 m run]

6 rounds for max reps
1 min wall balls (20/14)
1 min pull-ups or ring rows
1 min abmat sit-ups
1 min ski erg
1 minute rest
[29 minutes]

Midline: Static Holds

5.5.22 Workout of the Day

5.5.22 Workout of the Day

5.3.22 Workout of the Day

5.3.22 Workout of the Day