
Join CrossFit843

Where Athletes Train.

9.5.24 Workout of the Day

9.5.24 Workout of the Day

Judah & the 515 Interval

Barbell & Interval
Thursday “Functional Team Pump”
AMRAP 30 for quality
20 HRPU or DB Deficit push-up
30 DB Hang cleans or bicep curls (35/20’s)
40 v-ups or GHD sit-ups
50 m Farmers Carry (70/53’s) or Sandbag Carry (100/70)

-One works, one rest, split reps evenly-

9.6.24 Workout of the Day

9.6.24 Workout of the Day

9.4.24 Workout of the Day

9.4.24 Workout of the Day