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Where Athletes Train.

9.12.24 Workout of the Day

9.12.24 Workout of the Day

Happy Birthday Stella & welcome world Alice Lee Wedgeworth!

Fall League Information
Signup is officially open. First 50 males & 50 females are in. Draft is Sept 26 & event dates are Oct 3,10,17 & 24. Signup on gym whiteboard or text Amber or Martin to lock down your spot as this fills up quick!

Barbell & Interval
Thursday “Functional Team Pump”
100 ft Farmers Carry (70/53’s) while partner is holding sandbag (100/70)
2 Rope Climbs
30 DB Bench Press (50/35’s)
40 GHD sit-ups or reverse hypers

-One works, one rests, split reps evenly.-

9.13.24 Workout of the Day

9.13.24 Workout of the Day

9.11.24 Workout of the Day

9.11.24 Workout of the Day