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4.24.20 Workout of the Day

4.24.20 Workout of the Day

Happy Birthday B.A.

Box Brief

-8 AM Facebook LIVE stream workout on Members-Only Page.

RED Friday’s. Wherever you train today, wear your RED & Remember Everyone Deployed. In addition, support those first responders, health care professionals & those on the front line sacrificing their lives for us during this time.

With Equipment
“Sandpaper”With Equipment
AMRAP 12: 
2 Double Dumbbell Power Cleans
2 Double Dumbbell Thrusters
30 Double Unders/ 45 Single Unders
4 Double Dumbbell Power Cleans
4 Double Dumbbell Thrusters
30 Double Unders/ 45 Single Unders
6 Double Dumbbell Power Cleans
6 Double Dumbbell Thrusters
30 Double Unders/ 45 Single Unders

Continue to Add (2) Reps to Dumbbell Movements Per Round

Midline 4 Rounds (20 Minutes Total): 
:40 Second Hollow Hold
:20 Seconds Rest 
:40 Second Dumbbell Romanian Deadlifts 
:20 Seconds Rest 
:40 Second Single Arm Dumbbell Overhead Hold (Left) 
:20 Seconds Rest 
:40 Second Single Arm Dumbbell Hold (Right) 
:20 Seconds Rest

Without Equipment“Sandpaper”AMRAP 12: 
2 Odd Object Clean and Jerks 
2 Odd Object Thrusters
30 Line Hops 
4 Odd Object Clean and Jerks 
4 Odd Object Thrusters
30 Line Hops 
6 Odd Object Clean and Jerks 
6 Odd Object Thrusters
30 Line Hops 

Continue to Add (2) Reps to Dumbbell Movements Per Round

Midline 4 Rounds (20 Minutes Total): 
:40 Second Hollow Hold
:20 Seconds Rest 
:40 Second Dumbbell Romanian Deadlifts 
:20 Seconds Rest 
:40 Second Single Arm Dumbbell Hold (Left) 
:20 Seconds Rest 
:40 Second Single Arm Dumbbell Overhead Hold (Right) 
:20 Seconds Rest

Cardio 2x for efficiency
:400 m run
1 minute Dumbbell/object Deadlifts 
400 m run
1 minute Single Arm Dumbbell/object Hold (left)
400 m run
1 minute Single Arm Dumbbell/object Hold (Right) 

4.25.20 Workout of the Day

4.25.20 Workout of the Day

4.23.20 Workout of the Day

4.23.20 Workout of the Day