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3.25.20 Workout of the Day

3.25.20 Workout of the Day

Erin, Johnny and Kim

Box Brief
-Happy Birthday Derek and Laura

WOD description with Kim posted on our Members-Only FB Page.
-8 AM Facebook LIVE workout posted on Members-Only Page.

With Equipment
“Palace”AMRAP 6:
2 Single Dumbbell Reverse Lunges
20 Double Unders / 30 Single Unders
4 Single Dumbbell Reverse Lunges
20 Double Unders / 30 Single Unders
6 Single Dumbbell Reverse Lunges
20 Double Unders / 30 Single Unders

Continue to add (2) reverse lunges per round

Rest 2:00

2 Single Dumbbell Power Snatches
20 Double Unders / 30 Single Unders
4 Single Dumbbell Power Snatches
20 Double Unders / 30 Single Unders
6 Single Dumbbell Power Snatches
20 Double Unders / 30 Single Unders

Continue to add (2) power snatches per round

Without Equipment“Palace”AMRAP 6:
2 Odd Object Reverse Lunges
20 Double Unders / 30 Single Unders
4 Odd Object Reverse Lunges
20 Double Unders / 30 Single Unders
6 Odd Object Reverse Lunges
20 Double Unders / 30 Single Unders

Continue to add (2) reverse lunges per round

Rest 2:00

2 Odd Object Ground to Overhead
20 Double Unders / 30 Single Unders
4 Odd Object Ground to Overhead
20 Double Unders / 30 Single Unders
6 Odd Object Ground to Overhead
20 Double Unders / 30 Single Unders

Continue to add (2) Ground to Overhead per round

Metcon/ Cardio SWU- 800 m run at convo pace /30 sec high knees/30 buttkicks

WOD:3 x 400m w/ 75sec recovery between each 1 x 800m w/ 90sec recovery 3 x 400m w/ 75sec recovery between each 1 x 800m w/ 90sec recovery 3 x 400m w/ 75sec recovery between each Midline: Accumulate 1 min of each: -flutter kicks -rev crunches -mtn climbers -superman

3.26.20 Workout of the Day

3.26.20 Workout of the Day

3.24.20 Workout of the Day

3.24.20 Workout of the Day