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Where Athletes Train.

4.9.20 Workout of the Day

4.9.20 Workout of the Day

Happy Birthday Sam Herring aka Bob. Looking almost as jacked as daddy Timmons aka Big Cat.

Box Brief

We are updating our member database with home address and email so we are current. Please text Martin with your information.

8 AM Facebook LIVE stream workout on Members-Only Page.

With Equipment“Dizzy World”AMRAP 18:
60 Double Unders / 90 Single Unders
30 Dumbbell Reverse Lunges
15 Reverse Burpees

Without Equipment“Dizzy World”AMRAP 18:
60 Line Hops
30 “Odd-Object” Reverse Lunges
15 Reverse Burpees

20 x 200 m sprints
:30 sec rest between sprints

4.10.20 Workout of the Day

4.10.20 Workout of the Day

4.8.20 Workout of the Day

4.8.20 Workout of the Day