4.8.20 Workout of the Day
Box Brief
We are updating our member database with home address and email so we are current. Please text Martin with your information.
8 AM Facebook LIVE stream workout on Members-Only Page.
With Equipment“Kansas City”5 x 3:00 AMRAP, Resting 1:00 between:
6 Burpees
8 Alternating Single Arm Squat Cleans
10 Lateral Over-And-Back DB Hops*
*New standard: Hopping over and back = 1 rep
Without Equipment“Kansas City”5 x 3:00 AMRAP, Resting 1:00 between:
6 Burpees
8 Odd-Object Squat Cleans
10 Lateral Over-And-Back Odd-Object Hops*
*New standard: Hopping over and back = 1 rep
Cardio: 2 sets of
800 m run
600 m run
400 m run
200 m run
*After every run complete 15 V-ups*