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4.16.20 Workout of the Day

4.16.20 Workout of the Day

Sarah and Orla

Box Brief
-8 AM Facebook LIVE stream workout on Members-Only Page.

With Equipment“Space Ship”5 Rounds For Time:
100 Meter Single Dumbbell Farmers Carry
200 Meter Run
30 Dumbbell Swings

-if your feeling spicy , complete the above 2x-

Without Equipment“Space Ship”5 Rounds For Time:
100 Meter Odd-Object Carry
200 Meter Run
30 Odd-Object Swings

-if your feeling spicy, complete the above 2x-

Cardio 6 RFT of
400 m odd object run
20 weight sit-ups
20 odd object lunges

4.17.20 Workout of the Day

4.17.20 Workout of the Day

4.15.20 Workout of the Day

4.15.20 Workout of the Day