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9.21.20 Workout Of The Day

9.21.20 Workout Of The Day

Happy Birthday Jordan from your 843 Family.

5x5 on the every 2:00, OHS @ 65 % of 1 RM
“Speed Demon”
AMRAP 3’s 3:00 on, resting 3:00 between sets
200 m Run, 15 Bar facing burpees, Max OHS (65/45)
200 m Run, 12 Bar facing burpees, Max OHS (75/55)
200 m Run, 9 Bar facing burpees, Max OHS (95/65)
200 m Run, 6 Bar facing burpees, Max OHS (115/85)

“Dead Meat”
1 mile run, 50 Double KB DL, 50 BJ
800 m run, 35 DL, 35 BJ
400 m run, 20 DL, 20 BJ
- Row, Ski & Bike distance modifications will be written on whiteboard as run subs if need be. -

-KB #(53/35’s) BJ (24/20)

9.22.20 Workout of the Day

9.22.20 Workout of the Day

9.19.20 Workout Of The Day

9.19.20 Workout Of The Day