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Where Athletes Train.

10.14.20 Workout of the Day

10.14.20 Workout of the Day

Britney, Kathleen, Katie

Box Brief
On Thursday, we will be hosting the LIVE Fittest of the Coast Workout 3 from our gym. Festivities start at 630 PM, BYOB, with our first live heat of 4 athletes starting 7:15. We will have 3 heats to follow at 7:40, 8:00 & 8:20. Our 4:15,5:15 & 6:15 classes will be non-led on the opposite side of the gym. Everyone please wear PINK 💕, supporting the Fight Against Breast Cancer. All CrossFit 843 members are encouraged come on out & support their fellow athletes.

5 RFT of
400 m run
15 front squats (95/65)

2.Gymnastic Stamina:
On the every 2 minutes x 4 sets
10/8 calorie bike or ski
Remaining time Gymnastic skill of choice
-rest 1 minute between sets-

Benchmark “Christine.. ish”
On the every 5 minutes X 5 rounds
500/400 m row or 400 m run
12 Double DB / KB DL (50/35’s)
21 Box jumps (24/20)
-Score = slowest round-

3 sets for efficiency
15 DB good morning (35/20)
20 DB glute bridges
25 DB sit-ups

10.15.20 Workout of The Day

10.15.20 Workout of The Day

10.13.20 Workout of the Day

10.13.20 Workout of the Day