
Join CrossFit843

Where Athletes Train.

3.16.20 Workout of the Day

3.16.20 Workout of the Day


We are maintaining normal operations at this time. Childcare will not be provided until further notice. Childcare is a free amenity we provide for paying members. Your membership covers the use of the gym and the classes offered. We provide childcare for our members under normal circumstances. We can not have a large amount of children in a confined area, as this would be a direct violation of the CDC at this time. We have been able to increase our sanitation of the gym between classes. We are also going to use the size of the gym to be able to distance our athletes from each other during workouts. I know this is trying time for all of us. Please be patient and understanding during this time. We are during EVERYTHING in our power to keep our gym safe and will continue to provide you will the best hour of your day. In addition, we would be happy to address this issue further for anyone who has questions. We are in this together we will get through this together. #blufftonstrong


While the risk of the Coronavirus in SC is low, we want to do our part to keep CF-843 as safe as possible. The experts are saying that thoroughly washing your hands is the best form of protection. To take this to the next level we are going to make some short term changes at CF-843: 1.No chalk buckets – Bring your own chalk if you need it. 2.More wipes around the gym – Please wipe down everything you touch.3.No whiteboard markers for members. 4. No fistbumbs or high fives before or after the WOD. 5.If you have a fever, cough or consistent sneezing please stay out of the gym. 6. If you have traveled to Asia, Europe, or the Middle East please stay out of the gym for two weeks. We will happily put your membership on hold..


CrossFit Back Squat (Ladder) Set 1 (On the 0:00): 9 Reps @ 78% Set 2 (On the 2:00): 7 Reps @ 85% Set 3 (On the 4:00): 5 Reps @ 92% Set 4 (On the 6:00): 3 Reps @ 97% Set 5 (On the 8:00): 1 Rep @ 102% Set 6 (On the 9:30): 1 Rep @ 104% Set 7 (On the 11:00): 1 Rep @ 106-107% Set 8 (On the 12:30): 1 Rep @ 107-108% Set 9 (On the 14:00): 1 Rep @ 107-108% Set 10 (On the 15:30): 1 Rep @ 107-108% *Percentages based on 5RM Back Squat

Double DB PC (50’s/35’s)
BJ overs (24/20)
Double DB FS (50’s/35’s)


“Walk the Line”
5 Rounds
50 Walking Lunges
400 m Run
20 Burpees

3.17.20 Workout of the Day

3.17.20 Workout of the Day

3.14.20 Workout of the Day

3.14.20 Workout of the Day