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2.21.21 Workout of the Day

2.21.21 Workout of the Day

Sunday 930-11:00 Open Gym

930-10 : Self led warm up

10-11: Fitness with Friends. Theme: Fittest of the Coast. Everyone welcome to join!

0-8 minutes :Row for distance. @ conversation pace. Goal is to get comfortable on rower for 8 minutes.

8-10 minutes transition

10-20 min: 10 minute EMOM: 2 crispy hang snatches

20-25 minute Rest

25-46 minutes: AMRAP 3:00: 30 alt DB Snatch (50/35)+12 burpees over rower into max cal row remaining.

AMRAP 3:00: 24 alt DB Snatch (50/35)+12 burpees over rower into max cal row remaining.

AMRAP 3:00: 18 FS (135/95)+12 burpees over rower into max cal row remaining.

AMRAP 3:00: 12 alt DB Snatch (50/35)+12 burpees over rower into max cal row remaining.

-3 minutes rest between AMRAP’s-

46-60 minutes: Cooldown: outside walk with friends & gymnastics time.

*Scaling: scale weight and reps as needed. Will have options on the board.

2.22.21 Workout of the Day

2.22.21 Workout of the Day

2.20.21 Workout of the Day

2.20.21 Workout of the Day