2.21.21 Workout of the Day
Sunday 930-11:00 Open Gym
930-10 : Self led warm up
10-11: Fitness with Friends. Theme: Fittest of the Coast. Everyone welcome to join!
0-8 minutes :Row for distance. @ conversation pace. Goal is to get comfortable on rower for 8 minutes.
8-10 minutes transition
10-20 min: 10 minute EMOM: 2 crispy hang snatches
20-25 minute Rest
25-46 minutes: AMRAP 3:00: 30 alt DB Snatch (50/35)+12 burpees over rower into max cal row remaining.
AMRAP 3:00: 24 alt DB Snatch (50/35)+12 burpees over rower into max cal row remaining.
AMRAP 3:00: 18 FS (135/95)+12 burpees over rower into max cal row remaining.
AMRAP 3:00: 12 alt DB Snatch (50/35)+12 burpees over rower into max cal row remaining.
-3 minutes rest between AMRAP’s-
46-60 minutes: Cooldown: outside walk with friends & gymnastics time.
*Scaling: scale weight and reps as needed. Will have options on the board.