
Join CrossFit843

Where Athletes Train.

2.3.21 Workout of the Day

2.3.21 Workout of the Day

Congrats to Nikki & Emily on their weight loss totals & body transformation. 👏👏


Please continue to sign in as this helps us coaches prep for class & for social distance protocol.

February Fitness Challenge 
In addition to our regular class program & in effort to tighten up bellies, grip & mind, on your own complete for quality this month:

Monday, Wednesday, Friday:150 sit-ups 

Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday: Accumulate 3 minute plank or bar hang 

SuperBowl Pool
Our annual SuperBowl Pool is located in the foyer. $10 per square. When one get filled up we will add another.

“Back to Basics Barbell” Class
Free for all members the first Tuesday & Thursday of every month, 6:15-7:15 PM, “Back to Basics” Barbell Snatch & C&J foundation class in weightlifting area with Coach Farid.

Open Gym
In effort to provide our athletes more training times for accessory work & for those that desire to wod in a more socially-distant setting during COVID 19, we have added some open gym hours listed under our “Schedule & Rates.” Other then those times, all scheduled classes are for members participating in group classes.


4th Down”
24/18 Cal ski or bike
24 KB Snatches
24 Thrusters
18/14 Cal ski or bike
18 KB Snatches
18 Thrusters
12/9 Cal ski or bike
12 KB Snatches
12 Thrusters

- rest 4 minutes after each AMRAP
RX bar weight : 95/65, RX KB weight: 53/35

Accumulate the following totals
2:00 L-Sit
3:00 Hip Extension Hold
4:00 Bottom of Airsquat

2nd Down”
AMRAP 2 x 5 sets
25/18 Calorie Row
Max Burpee BJ-overs (24/20)
Rest 2 minutes
200 m sprint
Max double DB hang power clean & jerk (35/20’s)
Rest 2 minutes

Athletes are encouraged to share a square & rower; one works during the other rest period. Athletes may row or sprint every time as well.

Accumulate the following totals
50 alternating v ups
50 DB glute bridges
50 plank to pushups

2.4.21 Workout of the Day

2.4.21 Workout of the Day

2.2.21 Workout of the Day

2.2.21 Workout of the Day