
Join CrossFit843

Where Athletes Train.

6.23.21 Workout of the Day

6.23.21 Workout of the Day

Sal Sr.

Independence Day 5K
Our Annual July 4th race is live! Those that sign up by this Friday, June 25th will receive a t-shirt, so please sign up at ASAP.

June Challenge
Drink 100 oz of water a day.

Kids CrossFit
Session 1 of CrossFIt Kids has begun. Ages 5-12, M-W-F for the month of June. Session 2 will start in July.

615 Interval class
We have re-added the 615 Interval class, Monday -Thursday.

Sign ins
Please all continue to sign in for classes. We will accommodate all athletes.

1.“The Grunt” (Cycle Benchmark)
18 Power Cleans (135/95)
15 Front Squat
12 Push Jerk
9 Power Snatches
Time Remaining: AMRAP Thrusters

-We will retest this workout at the end of our 8 week cycle-

2. “Run it Back”
On the every 4:00 x 6
12 pull-ups
21 KBS (53/35)
400 meter run

Conditioning, “John Deere” For Time

Calorie Row
Calorie Ski or Bike

200 m double DB Farmer’s Carry (53/35’s)

Calorie Row
Calorie Ski or Bike

200 m double DB Farmer’s Carry (53/35’s)

Calorie Row
Calorie Ski or Bike

-Run subs will be listed on whiteboard-

2-3 sets for efficiency
20 glute bridges (med ball)
20 abmat sit-ups

6.24.21 Workout of the Day

6.24.21 Workout of the Day

6.22.21 Workout of the Day

6.22.21 Workout of the Day