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2.15.21 Workout of the Day

2.15.21 Workout of the Day

Gina & Becca, Vegas

President’s Day Schedule

We will operate on a full schedule today, however, until further notice we will discontinue the 615 PM Interval class due minimal athlete participation. Feel free to utilize this time slot as Open Gym to work on your fitness weaknesses.

1. Overhead Squat Complex
5 sets on the every 1:30
1 Tempo OHS (5 seconds down)

Conditioning "Freedom Sauce"

1.AMRAP 3 21OHS (95/65) + 21 Lateral Burpees Over Bar, Time Remaining: Max Calorie Row

Rest 3:00

2.AMRAP 3 18 OHS (115/85) +18 Lateral Burpees Over Bar, Time Remaining: Max Calorie Row

Rest 3:00

3.AMRAP 3 15 OHS (135/95) +15 Lateral Burpees Over Bar, Time Remaining: Max Calorie Row

Rest 3:00

4. AMRAP 3 12 (155/105)+12 Lateral Burpees Over Bar, Time Remaining: Max Calorie Row

Team of 2, 35 minute Leapfrog AMRAP 12 abmat sit-ups
100 m sprint / 10/8 calorie machine
8 Double DB Hang C&J (50/35’s)

Plank series 2 rounds (:45/:15)

2.16.21 Workout of the Day

2.16.21 Workout of the Day

2.13.21 Workout of the Day

2.13.21 Workout of the Day