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9.30.20 Workout of the Day

9.30.20 Workout of the Day

Box Brief
All Fittest of the Coast information has been posted on our Members only FB Page. Those that have not registered, please do so at Week 1 of competition starts this Friday. #letsgo

1.Gymnastic Stamina
On the every 2:00 x 4
8 lateral bar over burpees
20 Dubs
Remaining time Max Kiplping HSPU

2. Conditioning , “UFO”

A. AMRAP 5, Rest 5
200’ walking lunge
200 m single object run (50/35)
Time remaining max calorie row

B. AMRAP 5, Rest 5
100’ single object front rack lunge (50/35)
200 m single object run (50/35)
Time remaining max calorie row

C. AMRAP 5, Rest 5
50’ double object front rack walking lunge(50/35)
200 m odd object sprint (50/35)
Time remaining max calorie row

200 m ski or 12/9 Bike or 200 m sprint
12 Alternating DB Snatches (50/35)
10 burpees
Rest 1 minute

1 unbroken set for efficiency (:45/:15)
Left side plank
Right side plank
Plank on elbows
Hollow hold

5 minutes machine of choice or run at conversation pace

10.1.20 Workout of the Day

10.1.20 Workout of the Day

9.29.20 Workout of the Day

9.29.20 Workout of the Day