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9.24.20 Workout of the Day

9.24.20 Workout of the Day

TBT 1 year ago , 930 AM ladies

Active Recovery Day
20 min AMRAP
800 m un
100 ft DB OH walking lunge (50 ft left arm 50 ft right arm)
30 GHD/ abmat sit-ups
5 strict pull-ups

Cooldown + Skill:
On the every 4:00 x 3
12/9 calorie bike/ ski/ 200 m jog
Remaining time gymnastic skill or choice

Active Recovery Day
6 x 3 minute AMRAP
Minute 1: Airsquats
Minute 2: calorie row
Minute 3: abmat sit-ups
-rest 1 minute-

-Goal is consistent reps throughout every set-

Cooldown + Midline:
4 sets for efficiency:
12/9 calorie machine of choice/ 200 m run
1 minute unbroken plank on elbows

9.25.20 Workout ofThe Day

9.25.20 Workout ofThe Day

9.23.20 Workout of the Day

9.23.20 Workout of the Day