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02.18.20 Workout of the Day

02.18.20 Workout of the Day

Happy Birthday Sal & Anita


Gymnastic Skill:
On the every 4 minute : 5 rounds of 2:30 choice of machine/ 600 m run INTO
Option 1:40-50% max Ring MU/ pull-ups
Option 2: 4 pull-ups + 3 T2B + 2 C2B +1 Bar MU
Conditioning:”Swole Cycle” 8 rds :20/:10
Strict Pull-ups
Echo Bike/Erg
Echo Bike/Erg
3x30/21 calorie row/ski/bike, Rest 1:30 between rounds

Conditioning: 30 min AMRAP
300 m Medicine Ball Run (20/14)
20 weighted Abmat sit-ups (20/14)
10 weighted front squat (20/14)
-if inclimate weather, we will sub in 400 m row for the run-

2.19.20 Workout of the Day

2.19.20 Workout of the Day

02.16.20 Workout of the Day

02.16.20 Workout of the Day