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02.16.20 Workout of the Day

02.16.20 Workout of the Day

Box Brief

Happy President’s Day. Today, we will have regular scheduled classes all day including childcare. Those of you that have off, from work, please get to the gym and get your fitness in.

Grunt Work" Week #2

Back Squat
On the 2: 7 Reps
On the 4: 5 Reps
On the 6: 3 Reps

On the 8: 1 Rep
On the 9: 1 Rep
On the 10: 1 Rep
On the 11: 1 Rep
On the 12: 1 Rep
On the 13: 1 Rep
On the 14: 1 Rep

Week #2 in our progression. Last week, we climbed towards a heavy single. Today, we're after volume, versus absolute. The first four sets are completed "On the 2:00", where we then transition to seven sets of singles "On the 1:00".

30 Double Unders
1 Hang Squat Clean (135/95)
30 Double Unders
2 Hang Squat Cleans (135/95)
30 Double Unders
3 Hang Squat Cleans (135/95)

Climb By 1 Rep Each Round


Conditioning: George Washington Birthday Remembrance
Round 1:
22 Taller BBJ-overs (30/24) INTO
1732 m run
Round 2:
22 Heavier Devils Presses (50/35) INTO
1732 m row or ski erg

2-month born
22-day born
1732-year born.

Midline; Coaches Choice

02.18.20 Workout of the Day

02.18.20 Workout of the Day

02.15. 20 Workout of the Day

02.15. 20 Workout of the Day