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7.26.24 Workout of the Day

7.26.24 Workout of the Day

Happy Birthday Acton from your 2023 Fall League 49’ers.

Red Friday’s
Wear your RED & Remember Everyone Deployed.

“Friday Partner Pump”
10 Rounds
Partner 1: 50 DUBS
Partner 2: 7 Strict Pull-ups + 7 Deficit Push Ups (1x45/25)

[Partners both working at the same time and switch when both are done working. Each do 10 rounds.]

3 Sets (Not for time)
20 Single Leg Alternating V Ups
100m Single Arm Farmers Carry (as heavy as possible) (50m each arm)
:30 Hollow body rocks

“Friday Hyrox”
Team of 2, 2 RFT
400 m run - together
50 Calorie Ski- Split
400 m run - together
50 burpee broad jump (4 ft)
400 m run- together
50 m Farmers Carry (70/53’s)- I go, you go.

[Run together, partition reps how feel fit.]

7.27.24 Workout of the Day

7.27.24 Workout of the Day

7.25.24 Workout of the Day

7.25.24 Workout of the Day