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7.25.24 Workout of the Day

7.25.24 Workout of the Day

Happy Birthday Kristin Lam & Malcolm. Happy Belated Birthday to Priscilla .

Barbell & Interval
5 rounds for max reps
Minute 1: 200 m sprint
Minute 2: Max Wall walks or HS Hold
Minute 3: Max DB Pull Thru’s or Renegade rows (50/35’s)
Minute 4: Max Calorie Echo Bike or Ski
Minute 5: Rest

-Even if today is your Rest Day, get to the gym. Move & interact. The days we expect the least many times can be the best.-

7.26.24 Workout of the Day

7.26.24 Workout of the Day

7.24.24 Workout of the Day

7.24.24 Workout of the Day