
Join CrossFit843

Where Athletes Train.

3.04.22 Workout of the Day

3.04.22 Workout of the Day

830 crew

Red Friday’s
Wear your RED & Remember Everyone Deployed.

2022 Open Information
The second week of the starts today. Those athletes that can not make the Friday class will have the opportunity to complete The Open during Sunday open gym or may restest Monday. 

Box Brief
-Free CrossFit 843 car decals are in the lobby.
-Limited number of St. Patrick Day shirts have arrived & in the lobby. Proceeds go to Lowcountry Strong Foundation.
-Gym water will shut from 11-4 today as Beaufort Jasper will be working on the water line.

Open 22.2
Reps for time [10 minute cap]
Deadlifts (225/155)
Bar-facing burpees

Team of 2, 30 minute AMRAP
20 single DB Devils press (50/35)
30 box jumps (24/20)
400 m run

-Partition reps evenly, run together.

March Challenge Midline & Cooldown:
50 glute bridges
75 alternating toe touches
100 sit-ups

3.05.22 Workout of the Day

3.05.22 Workout of the Day

3.03.22 Workout of the Day

3.03.22 Workout of the Day