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Where Athletes Train.

3.03.22 Workout of the Day

3.03.22 Workout of the Day

830 AM

Happy Birthday Amanda M.

March Challenge
”Butts and Guts Booty & Core Builder”
Take 5 minutes at the end of every class & focus on areas you need work on. Movement options: plank, sit-ups, squats, lunges, glute bridges, single leg deadlifts, step ups, etc.

Barbell & Interval

30 minute Partner AMRAP
Round 1: 40 calorie ski/bike + 40 double DB DL (50/35’s)
Round 2: 40 calorie ski/bike + 40 double DB Renegade Rows (50/35)
Round 3: 40 calorie ski/bike + 400 m run

-Partition reps evenly, run together, female calories: 30


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