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9.16.24 Workout of the Day

9.16.24 Workout of the Day

Happy Birthday to the one & only Brandon James, a true CrossFit 843 OGfr back in day! Thankful for you bro all these years.

Fall League Information
Women registration is closed at 50 athletes. We still have male spots open.

Box Brief
The 9:30 AM class will temporarily be Open Gym due to low class attendance.

A. Strength
Power Snatch

B. Strength
6 sets
1 Pause Front Squat + 1 Front Squat, building

4 sets
5 Barbell Good Mornings + 10 Weighted hip extensions (25/10)

10 RFT
200 m run
15 DB DL (50/35’s)
10 DB Hang power cleans
5 DB Shoulder to overhead

[After each set complete 30 mountain climbers]

Scale reps to target time of 2:30-3:00 min/rd.

Midline & Cooldown
2 sets
10/7 calorie Bike or ski
20 DB glute bridges

9.17.24 Workout of the Day

9.17.24 Workout of the Day

9.15.24 Workout of the Day

9.15.24 Workout of the Day