3.5.25 Workout of the Day
Tuesday 830 AM
Strength [15 minute window]
Min 0-10: Hang Clean + 1 Front Squat
**Only do the Front Squat on your last attempted rep.**
Immediately into
Min 10-15: 2 sets of 1 Hang Clean + 1 Front Squat @80-85% of 1RM Hang Clean from above (make these deload sets PERFECT)
Team of 2, for time
Part A
2 Rounds
10 PC (135/95)
6 Wall Wall Walks
-30/24 Calorie Bike after 2nd round-
Immediately into
Part B
2 Rounds
10 Thrusters (115/80)
20 Toes to Rings
-30/24 Calorie Bike after 2nd round-
-Split reps how feel fit.-
Humidity Throwdown Prep
Minute 1: 9/6 Calorie Bike
Minute 2: 4 Sandbag to shoulder (100/70)
Minute 3: 8 DB alt. Hang Snatch (50/35)
Minute 4: 6 Strict Pull-ups
Minute 5: 4 Wall Walks
Minute 6: rest
-Scale reps to :40 seconds max per station-