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1.19.22 Workout of the Day

1.19.22 Workout of the Day

Happy Birthday Kim

Box Brief
All Fittest of The Coast athletes please participate in class today. This will be good prep for this weekend.


Fittest of the Coast Prep
“Black Spot”
With a teammate, [On the 0:00-6:00]
Part 1: For max weight, complete the following complex
1 DL + 1 Clean + 1 Hang Power Clean + 1 Front Squat
Part 2: For max reps [At the 10:00-16:00]
6 min AMRAP
30 hang power cleans
20 shoulder to overhead
10 overhead squats

Part 3: [At the 22:00]
On the 0:00
21 Power snatch
30/21 calorie ski or bike
21 Power snatch
On the 8:00
15 Hang Power cleans
30/21 calorie ski or bike
15 Hang Power cleans
On the 16:00
9 Power Cleans
30/21 calorie ski or bike
9 Power Cleans

Team of 2, 40 minute ascending ladder
2 Double DB Deadlift (50/35’s)
2 Calorie row
2 Box Jumps (24/20)
4 Double DB Deadlift (50/35’s)
4 Calorie row
4 Box Jumps (24/20)
[Add 2 reps per round]
-Starting with and on the every 8:00 minute, complete 400 meter run. -

One works, one rests, run together.

1.20.22 Workout of the Day

1.20.22 Workout of the Day

1.18.22 Workout of the Day

1.18.22 Workout of the Day