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1.18.22 Workout of the Day

1.18.22 Workout of the Day

830 AM ladies

Strength: Strict Press
On the every 1:30
1x5@ 65%
1x5@ 73%
1x5@ 78%
1x5@ 78%
1x5@ 78%
1x5+@ 78%

“Square Up”
4 Rounds for time
400 m run
8 shoulder to overhead (155/105)
16 box jumps (30/24)
[18 minute cap]


Every 5 minutes, for 40 minutes (8 rounds):
Even rounds: 300m Run
300/250m Row
60 Double-unders

Odd rounds: 300m Run
300/250m Row
:45 second low plank

Rx+ 400m run, 400/325m, 80 DU, 1:00 plank
Run sub: 20/14 calorie ski or bike.
Double under sub: 120 singles

1.19.22 Workout of the Day

1.19.22 Workout of the Day

1.17.22 Workout of the Day

1.17.22 Workout of the Day