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02.12.20 Workout of the Day

02.12.20 Workout of the Day

1.Macho Man Beast Builder

Complete 1 Round of “Macho Man” every minute for 12 minutes, ascending in weight after every 4 rounds.
Min 0-4 1 round “Macho Man" (135/95)
Min 4-8 1 round Macho Man" (155/105)
Min 8-12 1 round “Macho Man” (185/125)
-Please partner up and share a bar-

1 Round of "Macho Man":
3 Power Cleans + 3 Front Squats + 3 Push Jerks

2. Conditioning
"Arm and Hammer"
For Time: Buy-In: 15 Clusters (135/95)
3 Rounds:
400 m run
15 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
Cash-Out: 15 Clusters (135/95)

Team of 2, 30 min partner Leapfrog AMRAP
10/8 calorie row
10 BJ (24/20)
150 m sprint

2. Ski/Bike/Row Conditioning

1.3 Rounds: 25/18 Calorie Row/ski/bike
-After every round accumulate a 1 minute prone plank-

2.13.20 Workout of the Day

2.13.20 Workout of the Day

02.11.20 Workout of the Day

02.11.20 Workout of the Day