02.11.20 Workout of the Day
Happy Birthday Dulce
Box Brief
We have added a 930 AM Tuesday CrossFit Class. Today is a perfect day to come try out our CrossFit side. Please be on time and ready to learn.
50 Strict Handstand Pushups (On the 0:00) (5 min cap)
Strict Pull-Ups (On the 7:00)1 Set:
Max Unbroken Strict Pull-ups
Conditioning (On the 10:00)
8 Barbell Facing Burpees
25 Double Unders
Row Conditioning (On the 28:00)..Please get in as many rounds as you can, class time permitting.
1. 3 Rounds: 35/24 Calorie Row
Rest 1:00Between Rounds
2. 3 Rounds: 25/18 Calorie Row
Rest 1:00Between Rounds
3. 3 Rounds: 15/12 Calorie Row
Rest 1:00Between Rounds
On the 5:00 x 7 Rounds:
12 Alt DB Hang Snatches (50/35)
8/5 Calorie Assault Bike
12 Alt DB Hang C&J (50/35)
300 m Run
Score=slowest round-