2.6.25 Workout of the Day
Happy 50th Birthday Victor!
Super Bowl Pool
Your Super Bowl numbers can be found on our lobby whiteboard & are posted on our members only FB Page. Good luck!
Barbell & Interval
Strength & Core Thursday
A. EMOM 10
Min 1:6 DB Bench Press (50/35’s)
Min 2: 6 DB Romain Deadlift (50/35’s)
[Both movements with 3 sec descend]
-Rest 2 min-
B. EMOM 10
Min 1: 6 GHD hip extensions with :10 sec pause on last rep
Min 2: :30 plank
-Rest 2 min-
C. EMOM 10
Min 1: 6 KB Gorilla Rows (each arm)
Min 2: 6 KB Z press (each arm)