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Where Athletes Train.

2.6.25 Workout of the Day

2.6.25 Workout of the Day

Happy 50th Birthday Victor!

Super Bowl Pool
    Your Super Bowl numbers can be found on our lobby whiteboard & are posted on our members only FB Page. Good luck!

Barbell & Interval
Strength & Core Thursday
A. EMOM 10
Min 1:6 DB Bench Press (50/35’s)
Min 2: 6 DB Romain Deadlift (50/35’s)
[Both movements with 3 sec descend]

-Rest 2 min-

B. EMOM 10
Min 1: 6 GHD hip extensions with :10 sec pause on last rep
Min 2: :30 plank

-Rest 2 min-

C. EMOM 10
Min 1: 6 KB Gorilla Rows (each arm)
Min 2: 6 KB Z press (each arm)

2.7.25 Workout of the Day

2.7.25 Workout of the Day

2.5.25 Workout of the Day

2.5.25 Workout of the Day