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2.27.25 Workout of the Day

2.27.25 Workout of the Day

Wednesday 830 AM ladies

Barbell & Interval
Conditioning [Pick 3]
In a 8 minute window:
Bench Press with 3 second eccentric.
5x5, Building

-Rest 2 minutes-

In a 8 minute window:
Max Distance Farmers Carry (70/53’s)

-Rest 2 minutes-

In a 8 minute window:
Dead-stop Sumo Deadlift with 3 second eccentric.
5x5, Building

-Rest 2 minutes-

In a 8 min window:
Run 1 mile at 80% efffort

Grab a partner today and get after it!

2.28.25 Workout of the Day

2.28.25 Workout of the Day

2.26.25 Workout of the Day

2.26.25 Workout of the Day