
Join CrossFit843

Where Athletes Train.

11.12.22 Workout of the Day

11.12.22 Workout of the Day

Thank you to these members for your service to our country.

Barbell & Interval
In teams of 2, For time
3 Rounds of
40/32 Calorie Row or Ski
40 T2B
Directly Into
3 Rounds of
40/32 Calorie Row or Ski
40 C2B
Directly Into
3 Rounds of
40/32 Calorie Row or Ski
40 KBS (53/35)

-One works, one rests, partition evenly.-

11.13.22 Workout of the Day

11.13.22 Workout of the Day

11.11.22 Workout of the Day

11.11.22 Workout of the Day