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2.14.24 Workout of the Day

2.14.24 Workout of the Day

❤️Happy Valentine’s Day❤️

Box Brief
There will be no 615 PM class today, due to Valentine’s Day.

Barbell [Deload Week]
3 sets: 1 Power Clean + 1 Push Jerk

20 Kettlebell Swings (53/35)
30 yard (90 foot) sled push (145/125)
15 Kettlebell Goblet Squats
30 yard (90 foot) sled push (145/125)
10 Kettlebell Single Arm Push Press
30 yard (90 foot) sled push (145/125) i

For time (1:00 on/ 1:00 off)
100 WB (20/14)
100 Double DB Lunges (50/35’s)
100 Shuttle Sprints (25 ft)
100/70 Calorie Ski or Bike

-Stagger stations & complete every movement to the absolute standard. Less focus on the load, more on the precision of the movement.-

2.15.24 Workout of the Day

2.15.24 Workout of the Day

2.13.24 Workout of the Day

2.13.24 Workout of the Day