
Join CrossFit843

Where Athletes Train.

8.25.20 Workout of the Day

8.25.20 Workout of the Day

Box Brief
Member Online Signup Information:

Please continue to sign up for classes. If you are a family member sharing a square, please do not sign both names for that time slot. However, it is imperative that you continue to sign up for classes, as this helps us coaches know what we are walking into, who we are waiting for & how to program accordingly for class setup, etc. If you are waitlisted, we will still fit you in either outside or in the pullup rack, just not a guaranteed square. But your need to still signup. Our goal is to never deter a paying member from coming to class, however due to these COVID guidelines, with social distancing in mind, safety still ( & always has been) our #1 priority. So please continue to be as diligent as you have been with signing in.

Fortunately, we have have had ZERO members of our gym attract Covid, from our gym. ZERO. This is100 percent attributed to us social distancing, limiting class sizes & by you members during your part by keeping our facility as safe and as clean as possible. So please continue to adhere to these guidelines, thus allowing you all to have the best hour of your day.

Thank you so much for your understanding during these crazy times and let’s all go continue to raise the bar for ourselves and others. 👊

On the every 4 minute x 8 rounds
200 m run
10 T2B
5-5-4-4-3-3-2-2 Hang Power Cleans
-Building every set-

Team of 2, 4 min AMRAP x 6 total sets
A. 4 min AMRAP
60/45 calorie row
remaining time Max Burpee BJ-Overs (24/20)

Rest 2 minutes

B. 4 min AMRAP
60/45 calorie row
remaining time Max KBS (53/35)

Rest 2 minutes

-one works, one rests, one box, one KB, one bike-

-This is a very similar workout to the ICT WOD 8-21-20

8.26.20 Workout of the Day

8.26.20 Workout of the Day

8.24.20 Workout of the Day

8.24.20 Workout of the Day