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Where Athletes Train.

12.4.20 Workout of the Day

12.4.20 Workout of the Day

RED Friday’s. Wear your RED and Remember Everyone Deployed 🇺🇸.

Box Brief

On Saturday, from 845 AM-1130 AM we are moving The Hilton Head Christian Academy weight room to Bluffton location. Lunch & drinks will be provided at One Hots Mama’s in Bluffton immediately after for those that help. If interested, talk to Martin.

December Challenge
In effort to keep everyone engaged & to hold you all accountable during this holiday season, our December Challenge is to go an “extra mile everyday.” Whether that be running, walking, rowing, skiing, etc. Before or after class, at the gym or at home, just get it done & have some fun with this.

Sign ins
Please continue to sign in as this helps us coaches prep for class. Let’s all make it a 5-day excuse-free week of training. #letsgo


1.Strength: Deadlift 5x5, building

2. Conditioning
Part A, on the 0:00, 10 minute AMRAP
5 Deadlift (335/235)
10/7 calorie bike
15 Hand release push-ups
-Rest 5 minutes-
Part B, on the 15:00, 10 minute AMRAP
10 Deadlift (225/155)
5 Devils press (50/35’s)
200 m run

30 minute Leapfrog AMRAP
10 double KB DL (53/35’s)
15 jumping lunges
100 m sprint

Midline: 4 sets of
15 good mornings
1 minute unbroken plank on elbows

12.5.20 Workout of the Day

12.5.20 Workout of the Day

12.3.20 Workout of the Day

12.3.20 Workout of the Day