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2.28.21 Workout of the Day

2.28.21 Workout of the Day

CrossFIt 843 Tonight Mudder Crew, Jacksonville

Sunday 930-11:00 Open Gym

930-10 : Self led warm up

10-11: Fitness with Friends. Everyone welcome to join. Please use this time to utilize the gym & work on your fitness weaknesses. Scaling options will be listed on the whiteboard.

0-10 minutes: 30 on :30 off, All out on rower.

10-14 min rest

14-24 min: 5 sets of 3 OHS: 31.1.1@70-80% off 1RM

24-26 min rest

26-36 min: 5-7 sets increase in weight, 1 snatch pull+1 snatch High pull, building to heavy.

36-40 min rest

40-60 min: 20 min AMRAP: 50 foot handstand walk + 20 double DB S2OH ( 50/35 )+6/4 BMU+ 20/14 calorie assault bike

rowers & bikes will be outside, weather permitting. ๐Ÿ˜Ž

3.1.21 Workout of the Day

3.1.21 Workout of the Day

2.27.21 Workout of the Day

2.27.21 Workout of the Day