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3.1.21 Workout of the Day

3.1.21 Workout of the Day

CrossFIt 843 Tonight Mudder Crew, Jacksonville

March Challenge
“Everyday 100”
Everyday, choose 100 reps of anything you can better yourself at after class. 100 cal machine, sit-ups, push-ups, air squats, hollow hold, knee raises, dubs, good mornings, lunges, etc. Some days this might take 2 minutes and some days it might take 10 minutes. Whatever it takes, do it.


Please continue to sign in as this helps us coaches prep for class & for social distance protocol.

1. Snatch Technique
On the Every 2:00 x 5
1 snatch pull
1 power snatch
1 Snatch Balance
1 high hang squat snatch
-All percentages listed on whiteboard-

2. Conditioning: “Tricycle”
600 m run
..Directly Into:
Alternating DB power snatch (50/35)
C2B pull-ups
Thrusters (75/55)

1. Conditioning:
Cash in & out 800 m run
..Directly Into:
KBS (53/35)
Box jumps (24/20)
Abmat sit-ups

3.2.21 Workout of the Day

3.2.21 Workout of the Day

2.28.21 Workout of the Day

2.28.21 Workout of the Day