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Where Athletes Train.

10.26.22 Workout of the Day

10.26.22 Workout of the Day

Happy Belated Birthday Virginia from your Buffalo Run winning team.

💕Breast Cancer Shirts💕
Breast Cancer Shirts are in the lobby. Proceeds from shirt sales go to Barbells For Boobs, a non-profit Breast Cancer Organization. Support the cure!

Hilton Head 1/2 & 1/4 Marathon
Next Sunday 7:30 AM. Only 75 spots left. 10% off for all our members. Go to our FB Members-Only Page for details & signup. The race is great!

Snatch Deadlift + Snatch Pull

3 sets (1 set every 5:00)
2 rounds
10 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24”/20”)
10 OHS (115/80)

On the every 4 00 for 32 minutes
Rounds 1,3,5,7
300 m row
20 Air Squats Jumps
10-12 Single DB Devil’s Press Right Arm (50/35)
Rounds 2,4,6,8
300 m run
20 Jumping lunges
10-12 Single DB Devil’s Press Left Arm (50/35)

-Modify reps & cardio distance to sub 3:00 minute rounds. DO NOT modify your range of motion..-

10.27.22 Workout of the Day

10.27.22 Workout of the Day

10.25.22 Workout of the Day

10.25.22 Workout of the Day