
Join CrossFit843

Where Athletes Train.

9.4.21 Workout of the Day

9.4.21 Workout of the Day

Box Brief
Best of luck to all our athletes competing today at CrossFit Humidity.

Sign ins
Please all continue to sign in for classes. We will accommodate all athletes.

Barbell & Interval
In teams of 2, For time (35 minute cap)
800 m run- together
100 Double DB hang cleans (50/35’s)
800 m run- together
80 Double DB box step ups (24/20)
800 m run- together
60 Calorie ski or bike

-run together, partition reps evenly.-

9.5.21 Workout of the Day

9.5.21 Workout of the Day

9.3.21 Workout of the Day

9.3.21 Workout of the Day