
Join CrossFit843

Where Athletes Train.

9.21.21 Workout of the Day

9.21.21 Workout of the Day

Please keep Saul’s family in your prayers as he passed away from COVID pneumonia on Sunday. Saul was a member of our CrossFit 843 family. More information on arrangements to follow this week.

Happy Birthday Jordan M. & Thomas Joyner. 🎉

Sign ins
Please all continue to sign in for classes. We will accommodate all athletes.

Bench Press
1.Build to a heavy single.
2. 5x3 of 80% 1 RM Bench Press

“Double Stuffed”
400 m row
12 DB hang squat cleans (50/35’s)

Barbell & Interval
Conditioning: In teams of 2, 25 minute AMRAP
80 burpees
60 KBS (53/35)
40 single KB front rack lunges (50/35)
20/14 calorie ski
-One works one rests, partition evenly-

Cooldown + Midline: 800 m run into
2 sets of 25 glute bridges + 25 alternating v -ups

9.22.21 Workout of the Day

9.22.21 Workout of the Day

9.20.21 Workout of the Day

9.20.21 Workout of the Day