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Where Athletes Train.

7.14.22 Workout of the Day

7.14.22 Workout of the Day

830 Interval

Happy Birthday to Nate, Mark & Shelby.

Box Brief
Those interested in participated in the Ukraine competition fundraiser July 23rd please contact Ashley Romine. Event details are posted on our Members Only Facebook Page.

Barbell & Interval
Active Recovery Day
In teams of 2
A) At the 0:00-15:00 15 minute AMRAP
1 mile run-together
2 Single DB Hang Power Clean (50/35)
2 Single DB Shoulder to Overhead
4 Single DB Hang Power Clean (50/35)
4 Single DB Shoulder to Overhead
[Add 2 reps each round]

Immediately INTO

B) At the 15:00-30:00: 15 minute AMRAP
1 mile run -together
Start AMRAP where last left off in “A”

-Run together, partition reps evenly & switch arms how feel fit. Machine options available.

7.15.22 Workout of the Day

7.15.22 Workout of the Day

7.13.22 Workout of the Day

7.13.22 Workout of the Day